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...MonkeyKnits... A Knitting Blog: Quilting I may have to change the blog name to "MonkeyQuilts" pretty soon! Actually, I'm done with the top of my first quilt, and our final class is tomorrow. ... - [Details] |
<b>Desertsky Quilting</b> Quilt Pixie is the one from whose blog I got the art meme. This week's mail included the art piece she made for me. I'll have to get on the ball and make ... - [Details] |
Annie's Quilting Stash You can check out her blog at Quilt Otaku. Her husband, Jamie, is also a listener and contributor to a past show. What a cutie their son is, whose favorite ... - [Details] |
Art Quilt Reviews Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Contemporary Quilt Art Association, “Coming of Age” is an impressive showcase of 43 pieces by 31 artists. ... - [Details] |
Art, Quilts and Other Adventures At one point I said, hey — when do we get to talk about quilting? ..... Quilt Studio Blog Ring ... Blog at WordPress.com. • Theme: Freshy by Jide. - [Details] |
art:quilt:play So back then I crocheted a lot and then I did a lot of cross stitch and then I did a lot of traditional quilting. The main difference is that I used to be ... - [Details] |
Artful Quilters Web Ring RING DESCRIPTION: This webring is for quilt artists whose focus is making ... Blog of Mary Beth Goodman, Quilter and Herder of Cats in Upstate NY. ... - [Details] |
Artsyfartsy It has been so long since I wrote on this blog, I seem to update my other one more regularly since I draw faster than I quilt. ... - [Details] |
Carrie’s Quilting Mania I started this quilting blog at the worst possible time. I thought I would have lots of time to devote to my quilting, but then my son stopped napping and I ... - [Details] |
Crackpot Quilters’ Blog OK, so Marty at least has figured out that the photo that accompanied my earlier post and which was most definitely not the fabric for Andrea’s baby’s quilt ... - [Details] |
Craftzine.com blog: Card Catalog Quilt Kevin of Feed Dog points us to his finished quilting project. This card catalog quilt fetaures blocks are 3x5. - [Details] |
Crazy quilting international blog « In a Minute Ago So if you are looking to browse a lot of eye candy do check out the Crazy Quilting International blog. I must admit I have not been keeping up with the ... - [Details] |
Creative Quilting In my August blog, I wrote about the way this third definition works. The photo above is that "I Lead Three Lives" quilt. Whether you choose to follow ... - [Details] |
Debra's Custom Machine Quilting I have joined the Mountain Stars Quilt Guild. I am looking forward to getting to my first get together. Quilting is always more fun when shared with friends ... - [Details] |
doll quilt swap heres a teeny tiny peek at melissas quilt for her partner, http://pickinguppurls.blogspot.com/ and i did try to take my time and pick partners that i ... - [Details] |
Doodle-blog Doodle-blog Archives ... Stitching, Quilting, Crochet... my little hobby world ... I do have a couple of pictures to share of my SSS 2007 quilt. ... - [Details] |
doodlebug Blog: Quilting Quilt Whether made from fabric or from combining squares knit by the students, you can help create a spectacular treasure. We have some special fusible ... - [Details] |
Dreaming Spirals — Liz Plummer’s art quilt blog My name's Liz Plummer and I'm a Quilt Artist. I love the texture of fabric. I love dyeing it and painting it and stitching into it. This blog is about the ... - [Details] |
Fabric Mom's Quilting blog I belong to a quilting group online and this block was made for the example of a swap we are having next year. It is the churn dash using 30's material and ... - [Details] |
Forget-Me-Nots Quilts Welcome to my quilt blog where I share my journey in quilting and fabric ... So, hopefully it won't be two months before I post again on my quilting blog! ... - [Details] |
Gathering Fabric Quilt Shop Woodinville just finished a month long celebration of the Harvest and I was particularly pleased to be able to hold a quilt show with the Woodinville ... - [Details] |
Gayle’s Gallery I stayed home from my quilting group today because of too many other .... I won a prize from Vicki’s blog. She is celebrating her anniversary in blogging. ... - [Details] |
Georgia Bonesteel's Blog: Quilt Satisfaction and Patchwork “Perks” Next blog update after a European trip. You better be sure I will be checking out quilt shops. posted by Georgia Bonesteel at 10:25 AM ... - [Details] |
grammy’s blog grammy’s blog. Life, identity, and art quilting ... I just love this quilt, and there is some of my best quilting on it, too! ... - [Details] |
Guildcrafters Quilt Shop Blog This is our version of the progressive quilt for the 2007 Pumpkin Patch Shop Hop. Each shop’s quilt uses most of the same fabrics in lovely Indian Trail ... - [Details] |
How to make a ribbon quilt • Blog • Halt Near X . com Then look through pattern books and sites, and find a quilt that will work with your colors/available fabric amounts. If you sew regularly, ... - [Details] |
IBR BIRDDOG QUILT Please note any dog hair or mistakes found in this quilt were courtesy of my 4 dogs all of which came from rescue! My dogs were very helpful in the piecing ... - [Details] |
J's Quilting Blog Retired school teacher from Manitoba, Canada, who began quilting a year ago. - [Details] |
Janet Wickell's Quilting Blog quilting The traditional Bear's Paw quilt block is always a good design for holiday quilts, including table runners and throws. Put the block into a holiday ... - [Details] |
Jon's Knit Blog: Jon's Quilt Blog Jon's Quilt Blog. donedrawing.jpg. That's the finished colored drawing for my quilt top. I think I even have enough fabrics to do it. Only time, of course, ... - [Details] |
Judy Laquidara - Sunshine Quilts: A Quilt and Info about the Blog Ring Welcome to my blog. I discuss quilting, my family, recipes and whatever happens to be going on in my life. If you enjoy what you read, you can subscribe ... - [Details] |
Karin's Style Blog » Quilting Quilting. Truly enjoyed the quilts at angry chicken today. ... This blog covers my inspirations and my thoughts on topics such as beauty, patterns and ... - [Details] |
Kate's Quilting (& other fibre arts) Blog A while back, I decided that it would be fun (or possibly, insane) to do a weekly journal quilt project for a year, and chose to do the year starting with ... - [Details] |
Katja's quilts (and knits): Quilt-Blog A blog about patchwork and quilting. I will show you the progress of my current projects and report about the activities of my quilt guild 'die ... - [Details] |
Kaye's Quilting Friends Blog! In Pompeii, master carvers were hand carving cameos, and I think at least one of the cameos came back on the ship with our quilters. ... - [Details] |
Knitting Nonpareil: My Quilting Blog My Quilting Blog. I've thrown down the needles. No, not as a dare, I just threw them down. I'm all about fabric these days. It happens. ... - [Details] |
koolkat's quilting blog Watch this blog for regular updates of quilting from the Statler (computerised) and Gammill hand-guided machine. The original quilt - "Where will I be" is ... - [Details] |
Laurel's blog | OneMoreQuilt.net You already know I love quilting!! In fact I have to make a habit of sitting down at the computer BEFORE I begin working or playing in my studio. ... - [Details] |
Lazy Gal Quilting She's been quilting for 19 years and is primarily book and self-taught. Her quilts aren't art, but not necessarily traditional either. - [Details] |
Life's a Quilt Finally, just a mention of three of my favorite non-quilt blogs: Nami-Nami an Estonian food blog I've mentioned before, Strange Maps a self-described ... - [Details] |
Lizzy's Quilt Blog Pineapple Medallion I first saw this quilt on Alex Anderson's show on TV. Nancy Kirk was on and it was hanging behind them. I thought it was so neat. ... - [Details] |
Mel's quilting blog I bound a quilt that still needs about 6 inches to go. That is a QWL that I didn't need to bind, but I needed something to work on waiting at the doctors, ... - [Details] |
Mon Blog des Point de Croix by Giusypatch SHOP � Cross Stitch Chart Gallery � My Quilting Blog � My Official Website � Borse di Gaya � Blog di Viviana � Blog di Ilaricamina � Blog di Serena ... - [Details] |
My Quilt Blog Hello and welcome to my quilting blog. At any given time I have several projects ongoing. I hope to share what I am working on, some of favorite quilting ... - [Details] |
my quilt blog No, not going into that realm on my quilt blog! ;-p I've also got a fabulous friend who is also my mentor and spiritual mom... who has an incredible home on ... - [Details] |
Nana's Capo Beach Quilting - Quilting Blog Nana's Capo Beach Quilting Blog! Discuss all things related to quilting. - [Details] |
Paper Panache Creative/Quilt Blog Listings Debi in Southern California: Debi Stitches. QUILTING/CRAFTING/SEWING/TUTORIALS/INTERVIEWS...MORE Ina Magedanz in Dinslaken, NRW, Germany: Quilt-Blog.de ... - [Details] |
Pink Chalk Studio » Blog Archive » Quilt Photography It created an intense bright light that illuminated the quilt detail. You’ll note that the curtains in my dining room are closed (another one of Holly’s ... - [Details] |
Quilt Channel: Lazy Gal Quilting blog Lazy Gal Quilting blog. Purple Cat Tonya R describes herself as "a 41 year old American living abroad with my husband and four cats. I've been quilting for ... - [Details] |
Quilt Epiphany Blog — Musings on Quilts and Quilting Weblog (blog) of musings from Nadine Ruggles on quilts and quilting, cats, fabric, family, and did I mention quilting? - [Details] |