JavaScript Resources
Address Book 
Saves an address book database as a cookie on the user's computer. The author explains that although the actual example may not be particularly useful, the underlying code could be very beneficial for use in other projects. Browser Compatibility:
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Bookmark Reminder
Pops up the "Add to Favorites" bookmark window once a week, or after every certain number of days. Netscape users are given an alert message to remind them to bookmark the site. Browser Compatibility:
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Favorite Background 
Let a JavaScript cookie remember your favorite background color. On future visits, it automatically displays that background color for you. Browser Compatibility:
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Cookie Redirect   
Redirects the visitor to different pages based on the value of a stored cookie. If no cookie is found, the available items are displayed for the user to pick from, which sets a cookie for their next visit. Our demonstration uses a 'favorite animal' cookie, but this could easily be modified to fit your needs. Browser Compatibility:
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ID Tracker
Allows you to save a visitor's referral ID in a cookie ID on their computer. Then, you can you can access that ID cookie from the rest of your site. Useful to help you pay affiliate commissions or track web site referrals. Easy! Browser Compatibility:
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more Resources Scripts: Forms, Text, Buttons, Games, Calendars, Miscellaneous, Utilities, Clocks, Navigation, Windows, Cookies, Special Effects, Counters, Passwords, DHTML
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