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London Dragon Boat Race Festival The London Dragon Boat Race Festival will be held on August 18, 2007 at London's Fanshawe Park in London, Ontario, Canada. - [Details] |
Mavericks Dragon boat Club Sydney Australia Mavericks Dragonboating Club paddling in Sydney Australia. A fun sporting team offering beginners courses and racing on the water. - [Details] |
NCAWPA Home Page We have trained many hundreds of people in dragon boating and outrigger canoe and built ties within the local community. We actively participate in the ... - [Details] |
Northern Beaches Dragon Boat Club Manly Sydney We are a dragon boat club in Manly on the Northern Beaches of Sydney with the beautiful Sydney Harbour as our training ground. - [Details] |
Oshkosh Dragon Boat Race & Festival Are you interested in taking dragonboating to the next level? In 2008 we will be forming the Oshkosh Dragonboat Club, training steerspeople and recruiting ... - [Details] |
Pacific Dragon Boat Association - USA The West Regional Affiliate of the United States Dragon Boat Federation. Governs dragon boat racing in the Western United States. - [Details] |
Pacific Dragons Dragon Boat & Outrigger Canoe Club - Home Everything you need to know about dragon boating, outrigger canoeing and paddling in and around one of the greatest harbours in the world - Sydney, ... - [Details] |
Pawtucket perfect for dragon boating - Pawtucket perfect for dragon boating. By Ellen Albanese, Globe Staff | September 2, 2007. PAWTUCKET, R.I. - Few people think of this industrial town as ... - [Details] |
Pershore Dragon Boat Racing Team (The Fallen Angels) The Pershore Dragon Boat Racing Team, The Fallen Angels. The country's best amateur dragon boat team in Pershore, Worcestershire. - [Details] |
Pittsburgh Dragon Boat Festival Welcome to the Pittsburgh Dragon Boat Festival, a non-profit cultural initiative that is free to the public! The mission of the festival is to highlight the ... - [Details] |
Pittsburgh Dragon Boat Races Dragon Boat Racing is a 2000-year-old traditional Chinese activity known for its color and excitement. The ornately carved and brightly painted dragon heads ... - [Details] |
Rhode Island Chinese Dragon Boat Race and Festival Includes rules and conditions, historical results and photos, application and waiver, race details, and dragon boat history. - [Details] |
Royal Australian Navy Dragon Boating Association - Navy Sport ... The RAN Dragon Boat Team was formed at HMAS CERBERUS in 1996. The original concept was to provide opportunities for sailors under training to pursue higher ... - [Details] |
San Francisco Bay Area Dragon Warriors Dragon Boat Racing Team Practice schedule, race results, photos and contact information from a 'high-energy' team based in the San Francisco Bay Area. - [Details] |
Seattle Sake Dragon Boat Club Race and training information about a year-round dragon boat club located in Seattle, Washington. - [Details] |
Shuswap Dragon Boat Society - Friends Abreast Dragonboating for cancer survivors and supporters, - [Details] |
Singapore British Chamber of Commerce Dragon Boat Team Activities and home page for the British Chamber of Commerce Dragon Boat Team of Singapore. - [Details] |
Singapore dragon boat Association National body that organizes, promotes and co-ordinates all dragon boat activities. - [Details] |
Six-Sixteen Dragon Boats Ltd. Canada Official equipment supplier to the Canadian International Dragon Boat Festival. ... "Six-Sixteen" symbolizes the powerful start dragon boating has had in ... - [Details] |
Sloths - Dragon boating club Page contains crew photos, race results, calendar, and general information about the sport of dragonboating. - [Details] |
Survivor embraces life - dragon boating 'down under' She and six other teammates representing the Machestic Dragons dragon boat team from New Jersey traveled to Australia to boat at Kawana Lake in Caloundra ... - [Details] |
Sydney Dragon Blades :: Dragon Boating just got better Photos and other resources from a boat club based in Sydney, Australia. - [Details] |
Sydney Phoenix Dragon Boat Club A dragon boat club located in Sydney, Australia. Website has event information and photographs. - [Details] |
Sydney Tsunami Dragon Boat -> Home Photos, training information and a newsletter from a Sydney based club with the motto "Serious Fun". - [Details] |
Sylvan Lake Dragon Boat Festival Sylvan Lake is an excellent place for dragon boat racing. The entire race course can be viewed from the beach and the finish line is right at the end of the ... - [Details] |
Texas Dragon Boat Association Welcome to the thrilling sport of dragon boat racing! We are entering our 6th year paddling at the birthplace of Houston – Allen's Landing in downtown. ... - [Details] |
The Greater Toronto Dragon Boat Club Provides year-round training for crews in the Toronto area. Includes race information, photos and links to other teams. - [Details] |
The Green's Dragonboating Site - Home of the QDOS Dragons for 2000 Other Dragonboating Enthusiasts just like you have paddled their way here Since 31 January 1998 . This is site has been decommissioned due to changes at our ... - [Details] |
The Philadelphia Dragon Boat Association - 2004 World Championships Events calendar, photos and recruiting information. - [Details] |
Tri-Cities Dragon Boat Festival Dragon Boating is a fun athletic event requiring team members to perfect their timing and technique to move the boat. Whether you’re an occasional calorie ... - [Details] |
USA Dragon Boating - home USA Dragon Boating, LLC - Provider of high quality dragon boat equipment and service. Dragon Boats, paddles, accessories and more. - [Details] |
Wellington Dragon Boat Festival: Wellington Dragon Boat Festival Information about the Wellington, New Zealand dragon boat race. Includes festival newsletters, crew and team information, photos, team links, ... - [Details] |
Worldwide Dragon Boat Calendar Homepage Informational site about dragon boat racing as a paddling sport. Includes links to international and local race event websites; dragon boat suppliers; ... - [Details] |
Xinhua - English Dragon Boat Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday (on May 5 according to Lunar ... "I love dragon boating and rice dumplings. It is good for Hong Kong to ... - [Details] |