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Alpine Curling Supply Provides equipment for the sport of curling. Products include, brushes, shoes, sliders, clothing, gloves and other related accessories. - [Details] |
Appleton Curling Club Calendar of events, pictures, and statistics. Located in Appleton Wisconsin. - [Details] |
Ardsley Curling Club At the Ardsley Curling Club . . . you'll find a warm (yes, ... Member of the United States Curling Association. Curling is an official Olympic sport. - [Details] |
Bemidji Curling Club Located in Bemidji, Minnesota. News, history, and award information. - [Details] |
Broomstones Curling Club Provides calendars, club info, league information, and youth curling information. Located in Wayland, Massachusetts. - [Details] |
Canadian Curling Association Providing information about the sport, as well as provincial information, curling links, and contact information. - [Details] |
Cape Cod Curling Club Curling information and updates from The Cape Cod Curling Club including history of the game, facilities, governing board, league play, membership and ... - [Details] | Sports - Curling Alberta clinches top spot at mixed curling nationals: Alberta clinched first place Wednesday at the Canadian mixed curling championship in Calgary. more ... - [Details] |
CCC New Curler Instructional Clinic The 2006/2007 curling season will begin October 26th. Please come visit us. We curl on Thursday evenings at 8:45pm and Saturday evenings at 9:45pm at The ... - [Details] |
Centerville Curling Club Homepage Provides information about the clubs junior curling, leagues, clinics, history, scholarship winners, special event information, as well as its Historical ... - [Details] |
Chicago Curling Club: Home Features membership information, location and directions, bulletin board, ratings, and events for men, women and mixed. Located in Chicago's northern suburb ... - [Details] |
College Curling USA An organization for collegiate curlers from novices to national collegiate competitor. Our scope spans from the annual national collegiate tournament to ... - [Details] |
Conair Recalls Curling Irons for Shock and Electrocution Hazards Hazard: The handle of the curling iron can come apart exposing its line cord, posing a shock or electrocution hazard to consumers. ... - [Details] |
Copper Country Curling Club copper country curling club. ... Copper Country Curling Club PO Box 264 Calumet, MI 49913 (906) 482-6788 Gordon Maclean home phone. - [Details] |
Curling - the roaring game Welcome to the Thinkquest Curling Site ! Please choose your language:. Deutsch � English. (counter by LiveCounter) - [Details] |
Curling Basics Anhand von Flash-Animationen werden Curling - Begriffe und Regeln erklärt. Animated examples of curling terms and rules. - [Details] |
Curling for Fun Curling is believed to be a Scottish game. This is purely a winter game. However, the technological explosion that shook the world, and still at it, ... - [Details] |
Curling News - Topix News on Curling continually updated from thousands of sources around the net. - [Details] |
Curling Quotes in HTML, XML, and SGML This paper describes how to handle curling quotes (smart quotes) in HTML, SGML, and XML, in a portable and standard manner. - [Details] |
Curling Supplies - Curling Shoes, Curling Accessories - Curling Supplies currently supplies a complete range of curling shoes, curling brushes, curling gloves, curling pants and curling accessories for all ... - [Details] |
Curling Up With a Good E-Book Is the iPod of e-readers at hand? Previous models haven't caught the public's fancy, but some major publishers seem to think Sony is about to change that. - [Details] |
Curling's Premiere Directory This Canadian Premiere Curling website details curling clubs, curling links and championships of this popular winter ice curling sport. - [Details] | the real home of scottish curling Providing Scottish Curlers with high quality curling equipment at the right price. Curling Shoes, Curling Brushes and all other equipment. - [Details] |
Dakota Curling Club Home Page The Dakota Curling Club plays at the Burnsville Ice Center. We are a new club, opened in March 2006. After only a few seasons of curling, our membership has ... - [Details] |
Dansk Curling Forbund :: Curling, en stensikker sport Her stilles information til rådighed for de, der er interesseret i at vide noget om curling. Derudover vil der være resultater fra de danske turneringer, ... - [Details] |
DCOC: District of Columbia Olympic Committee The rules of play for curling are fairly simple, but it is very difficult to master. ... Definitely check them out if you are interested in curling. ... - [Details] |
Definition of curling - Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary Definition of curling from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. - [Details] |
Detroit Curling Club Welcome to the Detroit Curling Club webpage. The Detroit Curling Club dates back to 1885 and has had many homes in the Southeast Michigan area and many ... - [Details] |
Detroit Lakes Curling Club - Home Page This Lakes Curling website details our curling club, curling activities and links of this popular ice sport. - [Details] |
Duluth Curling Club Information on this event, to be held at the Duluth Curling Club February ... DCC curler Andy Skildum has built a curling information and opinion website, ... - [Details] |
Eau Claire Curling Club Wisconsin. Bonspiel schedules, club history, and member information. - [Details] |
Edina Curling Club Website of the Edina Curling Club on the west side of Minneapolis, Minnesota. - [Details] |
English Curling Association The English Curling Association aims to support, promote and develop the sport of curling in England and unite curlers throughout England in the brotherhood ... - [Details] | - 2006 Winter Olympics The U.S. men swept home with a curling bronze medal Friday, beating Great ... Well, the Johnson Sisters have the answers in's Curling 101. ... - [Details] |
Etusivu | -verkkopalvelu sisältää pelaaja- ja seuratietokannat helpottamaan seurojen ja liiton jäsenrekisterien ylläpitämistä. ... - [Details] |
Evergreen Curling Club Crew from the Tall ships the Lady Washington and the Hawaiian Chieftain take on members of the Evergreen Curling Club. See a video and read more here. ... - [Details] |
FM Curling Club Provides information about leagues and bonspiels. Includes a board of directors list and a newsletter. - [Details] |
Free games: free java curling game for you to play online Lucky Curling: A free online java curling game, featuring a sport you will see in the winter olympics. - [Details] |
Grand National Curling Club (GNCC) Grand National Curling Club. GNCC. CURLING. NEWS. Now online! Click here to see it. Com me nts or questions about this web site: please send e-mail to GNCC ... - [Details] |
Granite Curling Club Based in Seattle, Washington. News, event information, and league information. - [Details] |
Home - Australian Curling Federation The Australian Curling Federation is the national governing body for the Winter Olympic sport of Curling in Australia. Within Australia there is regular ... - [Details] |
Il curling in Italia - New Wave Curling Cortina - [ Translate this page ]Lo sport olimpico su ghiaccio del curling in Italia, e un club di grande tradizione a Cortina d'Ampezzo. Regole, istruttori, riferimenti e campi di gara. - [Details] |
International Olympic Committee - Curling Includes history, equipment, events, glossary, and photographs. - [Details] |
Kansas City Curling Club Serving both Kansas, Missouri - Kansas City Metropolitan Area. We provide the means necessary to play Curling, a Winter Olympic Sport with a 400 year ... - [Details] |
Midland Curling Club Please send website feedback, comments or any suggestions to the Midland Curling Club Webmaster. The 2007-2008 curling season is in full swing. ... - [Details] |
Milwaukee Curling Club The oldest Curling Club in the United States. Provides history, and up-coming events. Also, learn more about curling with the Terms and Definitions page. - [Details] |
Mousebreaker Free Online Flash Games - juegos gratis, Gratis ... ICE HOCKEY CHALLENGE. SNOWBREAKER. VIRTUAL CURLING .... Virtual Curling, Volley 2006/07, Volley 2007/08, War Bears - Mission 1, Warm Beer, Word Leaves ... - [Details] |
Norges Curling Forbund Nyheter, fakta om curling, terminlister, resultatservice og diskusjonsforum. - [Details] |