Basic No-Right-Click Script   
Causes an alert box to be triggered when the visitor right clicks on the web page with the mouse. Browser Compatibility:
Last modified: February 28, 2006
Ask Visitor For Name Script   
A very simple paste-it-in script that asks the vistor for his or her name when entering your page, then prints a "Hello" welcome message anywhere you wish in the body of the page. Browser Compatibility: NS3-6, IE4-6
Last modified: February 28, 2006
JavaScript Greeting  
This JavaScripts creates an alert box with a messege. Browser Compatibility:
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Load Alerts  
This JavaScript alerts by enter and leave. Browser Compatibility: IE
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OnMouseOver Alert  
Create an alert box using OnMouseOver. Browser Compatibility:
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more Scripts: Alerts, Forms, Text, Buttons, Games, User Information, Calendars, Miscellaneous, Utilities, Clocks, Navigation, Windows, Cookies, Page Information, Special Effects, Counters, Passwords, DHTML
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