Automatic Pulldown Menu  
Once a link within the menu is selected, the visitor is automatically taken to the website without hitting 'Go!' Browser Compatibility:
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Link Wheel  
This JavaScript flips through a list of Sites that you provide and when a user clicks a button, they are transported to the site that is listed in the text box. Browser Compatibility:
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Select from Menu  
Select from a list box and a message will appear, you can then go to the corresponding URL. Browser Compatibility:
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Cursor Link   
This JavaScript send you to a given URL when your cursor goes over the link, no clicking required! Browser Compatibility:
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more Scripts: Alerts, Forms, Text, Buttons, Games, User Information, Calendars, Miscellaneous, Utilities, Clocks, Navigation, Windows, Cookies, Page Information, Special Effects, Counters, Passwords, DHTML
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